How do I handle negative reviews from guests?

Respond professionally to negative reviews, acknowledging any valid concerns and outlining steps taken to address them. Learn from feedback and implement improvements to prevent future issues. Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews. Airbnb management companies like Stayful can handle all of this for you.

When responding to negative reviews, always maintain a respectful and professional tone. Actively acknowledge the specific issues raised by the guest and detail the steps you’re taking to rectify the problem. Learn from the feedback and implement improvements to ensure such issues don’t recur.

Alternatively, seek help from Airbnb management companies like Stayful, as they are equipped to handle such scenarios, ensuring your property maintains a strong and positive presence on platforms like Airbnb.


  • Some of the most common complaints guests have include:

    Cleanliness issues: Like unkempt properties and stained linens, but could even be minor oversights like dust.

    Inaccurate listing details: The property doesn’t match the description or photos.

    Unexpected disturbances: Noise from construction, neighbours, or local events.

    Communication breakdowns: Slow responses or unhelpful interactions from the host.

    Problems with amenities: Issues like broken Wi-Fi or appliances, malfunctioning AC/heating units, or unavailable promised amenities.

    Accessibility issues: Problems with check-in, getting keys, or finding the property.

    Value for money: Guests feeling they didn’t get what they paid for.

  • Yes, responding to negative reviews demonstrates responsibility, transparency, and a commitment to improving. A thoughtful response can even mitigate the impact of the review on potential future guests.

  • Ideally, as soon as you see it, typically within 24-48 hours. A swift response illustrates attentiveness and a genuine concern for guest feedback. It also reassures potential guests that you’re proactive in addressing concerns.

  • Hosts have 14 days to respond to a review on Airbnb. After that window, you won’t be able to leave a public response.

  • It’s a good practice to respond to all reviews. For positive feedback, a simple thank you can suffice. This demonstrates appreciation and engagement with your guests. The extra acknowledgement helps build rapport and makes them more likely to stay with you again.

  • No, hosts cannot directly remove or edit reviews. The content and star rating are wholly under the guest’s control. However, if a review violates Airbnb’s content policy (e.g., contains inappropriate language or unrelated personal grievances), you can report it to Airbnb for potential removal.

  • Begin by calmly and professionally addressing the specific concerns in the review. Even if you disagree, acknowledging their perspective is vital. Remember that potential guests will see both the review and your response. If you believe the review is misleading, malicious, or violates Airbnb’s guidelines, consider reporting it to Airbnb.

  • You can encourage guests to leave positive reviews by:

    Providing excellent service: Go above and beyond to ensure a comfortable and pleasant stay.

    Maintaining good communication: Respond promptly to queries and check in (non-intrusively) during their stay.

    Using personal touches: Small gestures like a welcome basket or a personalised thank-you note can leave a lasting impression.

    Request feedback: Before they leave, ask guests if everything was satisfactory. This gives you a chance to address any issues before they leave a review.

  • An Airbnb property management company can:

    Monitor reviews regularly and ensure timely, professional responses.

    Provide analysis and insights based on guest feedback, helping you enhance offerings.

    Handle potential conflicts or disputes, leveraging their experience in the industry.

    Recommend best practices for guest interaction and experience enhancement based on market trends.

  • Yes, many management companies offer mediation services. They bring a neutral perspective and can leverage their Airbnb management experience to address concerns, propose solutions, and facilitate discussions, aiming to reach amicable resolutions for both parties.

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