Consult With Stayful

We have been operating Nationwide for 4 years and in that time we have made a lot of mistakes but also had a lot of successes.

Consult with us and we can help guide you through the maze of Airbnb and successfully running your own business, help you to avoid those easy to make mistakes that can break your business and advise on decisions that business owners make weather it is finding good area’s, setting up your listing properly or finding quality staff.

What Do We Cover ?

Our Consultancy is 30 mins long per booked session, we can cover any of the following in our web meetings to help your business.

  • We will recommend good locations and how to find good area’s.

  • Helping you create a plan to grow your business which is vital to any business success.

  • If you have a deal to discuss we can go through the numbers together to make the best decision.

  • We will help with key questions to ask that will help determine if this VA will be right for your business.

  • We will look into your current situation and recommend the best route to raise finance to grow your business.

  • We will advise on which insurances you need to run your airbnb busness.

  • Provide advise on what to say or review your current method to see where you are going wrong.

  • We would recommend you seek your own legal advise but we can recommend key clauses for Airbnb to understand and help you understand your rights in an agreement.

  • Not all cleaners are good and they are vital in getting quality reviews, we will help with providing a vetting process for cleaners.

  • Managing cashflow is vital to you business and if you are having systemisation issues, we can help solve this.

  • We will give you tips on how to setup your property better then the rest in your area.

  • We do recommend seeking your own tax advise but we can provide basic advise on this.

  • We can cover as much as you like providing it is within the 30 min time frame, we would recommend no more then 2-3 points depending on how much detail.

  • Our Consultancy Is £125 for 30 mins via web meeting.

  • Fill out our online form then we will have an initial call and book in a good date and time to go over your chosen topics.

  • We offer training and mentoring inside of the Airbnb Mastery Academy.

  • Yes we will cover weather longer is needed on our initial call, but we try and cover as much as we can inside of our 30 mins.

  • Most things we are ok to talk about, we do recommend when people are wanting to discuss accountant and legal proceedings they seek their own legal and accounts advise, we will not talk about how to setup an Airbnb management company.

Consultancy FAQ